A relationship between attractiveness and performance in professional cyclists

(Eine Beziehung zwischen Attraktivität und Leistung von Radprofis)

Females often prefer to mate with high quality males, and one aspect of quality is physical performance. Although a preference for physically fitter males is therefore predicted, the relationship between attractiveness and performance has rarely been quantified. Here, I test for such a relationship in humans and ask whether variation in (endurance) performance is associated with variation in facial attractiveness within elite professional cyclists that finished the 2012 Tour de France. I show that riders that performed better were more attractive, and that this preference was strongest in women not using a hormonal contraceptive. Thereby, I show that, within this preselected but relatively homogeneous sample of the male population, facial attractiveness signals endurance performance. Provided that there is a relationship between performance-mediated attractiveness and reproductive success, this suggests that human endurance capacity has been subject to sexual selection in our evolutionary past.
© Copyright 2014 Biology letters. Royal Society Publishing. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Schlagworte: Leistung Ausdauer Leistungssport Hochleistungssport männlich Radsport soziale Beziehung weiblich Hormon
Notationen: Ausdauersportarten Biowissenschaften und Sportmedizin
DOI: 10.1098/rsbl.2013.0966
Veröffentlicht in: Biology letters
Veröffentlicht: 2014
Jahrgang: 10
Heft: 20130966
Seiten: 1-4
Dokumentenarten: Artikel
Sprache: Englisch
Level: hoch