Acute effects of one session of combined polyometric and special karate fitness test on physical performance in male karate athletes

(Akute Auswirkungen einer kombinierten polyometrischen und karatespezifischen Testeinheit auf die körperliche Leistung von Karatesportlern)

Karate is one of the most popular sport in the world which has a lot of fans, to achieve its training goals karate require special physical features such as flexibility, strength, power, agility and Explosive power of arms and legs. This study attempts to investigate the impact of polyometric exercise in helping the athletic performance of karate players. The investigations suggest that the polyometric exercises cause the improvement of sports performance and it recently has been used widely for the rehabilitation of injured athletes [13]. Polyometric exercise is one of the latest methods of training used to increase explosive power, speed and vertical jump in sports. Polyometric exercises are in fact related to the process of stretching and shortening of the muscle [22]. A muscle that is pulled can exert more power than the muscle which is not pulled. Short-binding contraction that takes place immediately after a lengthening contraction utilizes the energy' of flexibility' that is stored during pulling. The use of this flexibility' energy', in turn, generates more power within a shorter time period which causes an increase in explosive power of the muscle [24]. Polyometric exercises is a proper method, on the one hand, that can enable educators to increase the players` explosive power of the muscles in situ vertical jumping, reaction and agility and so on, and on the other hand they can decrease players damages that may' happen during practice or competition. Research shows that the domain of joint reaction increases with depth jump [6]. Meyer have shown that in addition to increasing vertical jump performance and aerobic feet performance, polyometric exercises can also prevent knee injury while landing [18]. Blank states that although players can increase their muscular- strength and endurance through bodybuilding and fitness exercise, educators need more specific exercises to increase explosh'e strength of leg muscles and coordination between nerves and muscles [2]. These exercises include standing up and starting that can help individuals` agility. Several studies have been conducted on polyometric exercises. Conroy' (2005) and Wilson (2004) listed exercise press, basic strength, explosh'e power of the muscles and the expansion of motion domain as the effecth'e factors in polyometric exercises [7, 29]. In a study Massamoto compared the effect of a session of Polyometric exercise on the maximum performance of leg squat (1RM) in male athletes they performed Lanzhe movements and deep jumping in 2 separate sessions in 3 sets, 30 seconds before attempting 1RM. The results showed that doing polyometric exercises (deep jumping) rather than Lanzhe movements before attempting 1RM can improve squat performance in male athletes [19]. Studies that investigate the impact of polyometric exercises are not so vast in the country. Shahdadi (1378) investigated the impact of these exercises on the explosh'e power and acceleration changes of the handball players (3) and Adibpur (1381) studied the effect polyometric exercises on anaerobic power, vertical jump, and some structured characteristics of girl basketball players and they have shown a positive impact of these exercises. Polyometric exercises do not require the use of certain facilities and this can clarify the importance and necessity' of this type of exercises for sports coaches [1]. Polyometric exercises can be practiced in various methods, including: Jumping on or jumping over the bench down and vertical jump, triple jump, pair jumps and Madison Ball throwing in any direction (Blair 1990). Polyometric movements should be started with light strikes in ages between 14 to 16 years and gradually by getting stronger and dominant, hard and intensh'e Polyometric movements can also be prescribed. From a practical point of view, the intensity of the Polyometric movements is divided into 5 categories. Iterations and offered courses are special for and advanced athletes and cannot be prescribed for beginners. Post-activated potential (PAP) is a common technique which is used to increase the power and efficiency after practice and competition [23, 15]. PAP is a phenomenon that previous contractions cause an increase in power generation and secondary power efficiency beyond the basic level [25]. Isometric, dynamic and throwing or polyometric contractions in maximal and submaximal levels that are used to make PAP, all cause an improvement in the athletic performance of the upper and lower part of the body. An acute increase has been observed in dynamic activities of some athletes after resistance exercises; however, there is little information about the effect of polyometric exercises as an exercise stimulating factor. In addition, fewer studies have examined the effects of PAP on athletes' exercise performance and fewer studies have compared the impact of different exercise methods, especially polyometric exercises along with specific exercises on athletes performance after such exercises, also because in karate the person needs to produce more power and fast movements of the body parts to perform acrobatic techniques and continuous jumps to succeed in the competition and exercises. Therefore, considering the points mentioned by the authors, this question comes up that whether the inclusion of polyometric exercises in the athletes' karate exercising program is going to be followed by an increase in physical potential or not? In this study it is assumed that doing polyometric workouts along with specific exercises of karate rather' than doing specific exercises alone, causes some changes in some physical performances (vertical jump, aerobic power of the legs, explosive power of hands and agility). Therefore, this study investigates the effect of polyometric exercises along with specific karate exercises on physical performance after the exercise.
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Schlagworte: Karate Test Training Trainingsmethode
Notationen: Kampfsportarten
Veröffentlicht in: European Journal of Experimental Biology
Veröffentlicht: 2014
Jahrgang: 4
Heft: 2
Seiten: 220-225
Dokumentenarten: Artikel
Sprache: Englisch
Level: hoch