Indigenous Yakut male athletes: sports-specific constitutions and somatic types

(Männliche indigene jakutische Sportler: sportartspezifische Konstitutionen und Somatotypen)

Objective of the study was to rate and analyze the sports-specific body constitutions and types in the indigenous Yakut male athletic groups. Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the study the 16-19 year-old indigenous sporting males (n=322) under the physical development profiling program with the anthropometrics, functionality, somatic typing and body constitution testing and analyzing elements. We used the standard (as provided by A.S. Shchedrin, 2001) muscle functionality tests to rate the individual reserve capacities and constitutional types on a `stayer-sprinter` scale. Motor and sensory functional asymmetry of the brain was rated by the lead limb/ eye/ ear detection tests. Somatic typing of the sample was based on the Rees-Eisenk indexing method [1]; and we used the SOMAX toolkit for the statistical processing of the test data [2]. Results and conclusion. The sample was grouped into the (1) freestyle wrestling (n=137); (2) team sports (volleyball, basketball and football, n = 52); and (3) ethnic sports (stick tugging also known as mas-wrestling, Northern combined and sledge jumping, n = 64) groups; that were additionally classified by the right/ left/ mixed types of asymmetry. The study methods and analyses using the standard body typing tests made it possible to obtain objective sports-specific morphology and functionality test data in the indigenous Yakut male sample - that lay a basis for further body typing studies. We found that the habitual active sports facilitate physical progress with no serious detriment to the historic Northern ecotype well-adapted to the harsh Yakut climate.
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Schlagworte: männlich Körperbau Anthropometrie Körpermaß Konstitution Sportart Ringen Freier Ringkampf Volleyball Basketball Fußball Russland
Notationen: Biowissenschaften und Sportmedizin Spielsportarten Kampfsportarten
Veröffentlicht in: Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
Veröffentlicht: 2021
Ausgabe: Titel der russischen Printausgabe: Konstitucional'no-tipologiceskie osobennosti organizma junošej-sportsmenov v zavisimosti ot vida sporta
Heft: 9
Seiten: 76-77
Dokumentenarten: Artikel
Sprache: Englisch
Level: hoch