Ski skating technique choice: mechanical and physiological factors affecting performance

(Wahl der Skiskating-Technik: mechanische und physiologische Faktoren, die die Leistung beeinflussen)

Ski skating technique choice can potentially influence economy of motion which in turn affects racing performance. Comparisons of skating techniques have demonstrated that uphill slope can influence the relative advantage of one technique versus another. On slopes greater than about 4 to 5 degrees, V1 technique may have physiological advantages over V2 technique. Mechanically this can be explained by positioning differences of skis and poles such that relatively little propulsive force can be generated from the skis using V2. Thus V2 technique demands greater upper body propulsion compared to V1 which produces more propulsive force from each leg's skating stroke. The relatively smaller muscle mass of the upper extremity compared to the legs may explain the greater physiological demands when using V2 skating on uphill terrain.
© Copyright 2006 ISBS - Conference Proceedings Archive (Konstanz). Springer. Veröffentlicht von University of Salzburg. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Schlagworte: Biomechanik Analyse Mechanik Skilanglauf Technik Sportphysiologie
Notationen: Naturwissenschaften und Technik
Veröffentlicht in: ISBS - Conference Proceedings Archive (Konstanz)
Herausgeber: H. Schwameder, G. Strutzenberger, V. Fastenbauer, S. Lindinger, E. Müller
Veröffentlicht: Salzburg University of Salzburg 2006
Jahrgang: 24
Heft: 1
Seiten: 397-400
Dokumentenarten: Buch
Kongressband, Tagungsbericht
Sprache: Englisch
Level: hoch