Upper and lower body power tests predict serve performance in national and international level male tennis players

(Leistungstests für den Ober- und Unterkörper, im die Serve-Leistung von Tennisspielern des nationalen und internationalen Leistungsniveaus zu prognostizieren)

Successful outcome of the tennis serve is primarily dependent on speed (1), which is a result of e ective full kinetic chain function (2-5). Speci c mechanical determinants, kinetic and kinematic variables, that contribute to serve speed have been identi ed (2, 4, 6-9). However, current tests of physical tness in tennis do not target all mechanical determinants (10-20). Implementation of tests that target known mechanical determinants in full kinetic chain movements have been called for (3, 21). Aim.Determine the relationship between full kinetic chain tests of dynamic postural control, force and power that target known mechanical determinants of tennis serve performance.
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Schlagworte: Tennis Muskel Untersuchungsmethode Leistung Angriff Test Prognose Diagnostik
Notationen: Spielsportarten
Veröffentlicht in: Sport Performance & Science Reports
Veröffentlicht: 2018
Heft: 42
Seiten: 1-4
Dokumentenarten: Artikel
Sprache: Englisch
Level: hoch