Improvement of strength capacities of middle-distance runners as the major factor of achieving high sports results at the stage of maximal realization of individual capabilities

(Verbesserung der Kraftfähigkeiten von Mittelstreckenläufern als Hauptfaktor für das Erreichen hoher sportlicher Leistungen im Stadium der maximalen Umsetzung der individuellen Fähigkeiten)

Purpose : the formation of a specific group exercises power orientation. Material : the study analyzes scientific and methodical literature, best practices. An analysis of the diaries of qualified middle distance runners. Results : group exercises designed to develop strength abilities (maximum, explosive strength, strength endurance) and methods of their use in the annual training cycle. To develop maximum force applied athletes exercise with weights (95-100% of the maximum mass). Recommended special exercises the running and hopping character with weights of 15-20 %, with which the athlete can get from a sedan. Group of exercises should be used in a specially - preparatory period of the annual cycle phase maximum realization of individual opportunities. Conclusions : the developed specific group of exercises that in different periods of year-long preparation for the implementation phase of the maximum individual empowerment contributes to the maintenance and implementation of power abilities of athletes.
© Copyright 2014 Physical Education of Students. Kharkov National Pedagogical University. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

Schlagworte: Mittelstreckenlauf Leistung Kraft Trainingsmethode Information Dokumentation individuell
Notationen: Trainingswissenschaft Ausdauersportarten
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.974477
Veröffentlicht in: Physical Education of Students
Veröffentlicht: 2014
Jahrgang: 18
Heft: 3
Seiten: 9-17
Dokumentenarten: Artikel
Sprache: Englisch
Level: hoch