Rating physical fitness versus autonomic heart rate regulation in runners

(Verhältnis des Niveaus der körperlichen Fitness und der Art der vegetativen Herzfrequenzregulation bei Leichtathleten)

Issues of physicality tests (including the physical fitness and cardiovascular system performance tests) in sprint and middle-distance running have always been given a high priority, although remain still underexplored. The study was designed to analyze the HR/ cardiographic data and training process test data to find correlations of the physical fitness versus the autonomic heart rate regulation in sprinters and middle-distance runners. Sampled for the study were the Class II to CMS qualified sprinters (with the below-average physical fitness rates) with equal representation (50%/ 50%) of the sympathotonic and vagotonic types of autonomic heart rate regulation; and the highly skilled (MS) runners with above-average physical fitness rates and with 100% of those tested with the sympathotonic type of autonomic heart rate regulation. The highly-skilled middle-distance runners sample included those with the above-average-physical fitness subsample with the equally represented (50%/ 50%) the sympathotonic and vagotonic types of autonomic heart rate regulation; and the high-physical fitness subsample with 100 % of those tested with the vagotonic type of autonomic heart rate regulation. We used a heart rate variability analysis to classify the sprinters and middle-distance runners performance rates. The study data and analysis may be helpful for the coaching teams when making corrections to the individual training systems.
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Schlagworte: Leichtathletik Herzfrequenz Regulation Kurzstreckenlauf Mittelstreckenlauf
Notationen: Ausdauersportarten Biowissenschaften und Sportmedizin
Veröffentlicht in: Theory and Practice of Physical Culture
Veröffentlicht: 2020
Ausgabe: Russischer Originaltitel: Vzaimosvjaz' urovnja fiziceskoj podgotovlennosti i tipa vegetativnoj reguljacii serdecnogo ritma legkoatletov
Heft: 10
Seiten: 35-37
Dokumentenarten: Artikel
Sprache: Englisch
Level: hoch